Your Data
When you log in to Snobify via the Spotify api, you explicitly allow Snobify to access:
- Your Spotify ID
- Your Spotify display name
- Your Spotify library information, including your saved tracks and when you added them
- Your Spotify playlist data for public and private playlists, including tracks in each playlist and when
you added them
Snobify uses uses your data in the following ways:
- Snobify will find the earliest dates that you saved tracks for a given artist, to enable the clout
comparison feature
- Snobify Uses your display name and Spotify ID to allow other users of Snobify to search and compare with
you, which you must explicitly agree to before using the service
- Snobify will find tracks and artists that you have in common with other Snobify users and may display
these tracks as well as when you found them to other users.
- Snobify will store your Spotify ID, display name, and a list of the ids of your saved songs, in our
- Snobify will store basic data, including artist, album, and playlist name data for songs stored in your
library. This is the bare minimum amount of information needed to provide the service in a way that avoids
overusing Spotify's API.
Data Deletion:
- If at any time you decide you would no longer like to use the service and would like to delete your data
from Snobify, you may go to the settings page and click on the Delete My Data From
Snobify button
- Once you have done that, all information about you, including Spotify Id, display name, and library,
track and playlist information, will be completely removed from the service.
- If you have deleted your data, you will no longer be searchable or identifiable in any way to any user
of Snobify